Our company recognizes the need to protect the natural environment. Keeping our environment clean and unpolluted is a benefit to all. We’ll always follow best practices when disposing garbage and using chemical substances. Stewardship will also play an important role.
Protecting people
We will ensure that we:
• Don’t risk the health and safety of our employees and community.
• Avoid harming the lives of local and indigenous people.
• Support diversity and inclusion.
Human rights
Our company is dedicated to protecting human rights. We are a committed equal opportunity employer and will abide by all fair labor practices. We’ll ensure that our activities do not directly or indirectly violate human rights in any country (e.g. forced labor).
We will actively invest in R&D. We will be open to suggestions and listen carefully to ideas. Our company will try to continuously improve the way it operates
Preserving the environment
Apart from legal obligations, our company will proactively protect the environment. Examples of relevant activities include: